Tech Education Collaborative

Tech Education Collaborative

The Technology Education Collaborative supports the secure, thoughtful use of technology.

We help people better understand the tech embedded in their everyday lives. TEC does this with an emphasis on practical application by hosting events ranging from Right to Repair workshops, Privacy meetups and tech field trips and demos. We even have a micro-lockpick village. TEC offers the public free guided access to 3D printers, enterprise-grade servers, Linux machines and even a podcast studio through our agreement with the Advanced Cyber Systems Lab at GateWay Community College.

Upcoming Events

Love 3D Printing? Join TEC on a Tour of PADT!
TEC is hosting a tour of PADT, an industrial 3D printing facility, on Tuesday, September 24th at 5:30 p.m. Join us on this free tour and gain an insider’s look at industrial 3D printing. We do need advance notice of attendance, so contact us at

Latest TEC Blog

Cord Chaos Solution
Any tech-enthusiasts knows the scene: It’s 10pm, you just got delivered your newest gadget and now you are staring directly at a monster made of cable. The challenge is on: How do you plug in this new gadget, avoid this monster while not getting trapped or even swallowed by it??

We slayed the chord chaos monster by 3D printing its cage, and you can too!

When Does Privacy Protection Become Futile Paranoia?
At what point does sensibly protecting one’s privacy become paranoia or worse, simply pointless? We talked to security expert James Bore to find out.

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TEC is an Arizona 501(c)3 and all contributions are tax deductible.

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