Privacy PIE (April 2024)

Privacy PIE (April 2024)
  • April 18th, 6 p.m.
  • Advanced Cyber Systems Lab at Gateway Community College


EULA Never Believe What “I Agree” Means

TEC’s April Personal Privacy Information and Education (Privacy PIE) Meetup will be on Thursday, April 18 at 6 p.m.

This hybrid event will be in-person and online.

Attend in person at the GateWay Community College Washington Campus. The talk is in the Advanced Cyber Systems Lab. Scroll to the bottom of this email for detailed location and parking information.

A link to the virtual meeting will be sent the week of the meeting and posted on our social media and in our Discord server.

Talk: EULA Never Believe What You’ve Agreed To!

We all click “I Agree” without knowing what we’ve agreed to. Those blocks of text no one reads are called End User License Agreements or EULAs (pronounced You-Lah).

This month we’ll learn what, exactly, we’re “agreeing” to, why this system exists, who it does and doesn’t benefit, and how you can take back some agency within this system (spoiler alert: you don’t, in fact, always have to agree).

We’ll have some laughs over the worst and most hilarious EULA agreements ever, too.

Last Slice of Privacy PIE: This 20-minute section at the end of the meeting will show you some no-code tools that help you understand what EULAS say.

Parking Map