
Advanced Cyber Systems Lab (ACSL) at Gateway Community College

The Advanced Cyber Systems Lab (ACSL) at Gateway Community College provides hands-on learning opportunities for people to expand and enhance their skills in the technology sector.

TEC and the Advanced Cyber Systems Lab at Gateway Community College have partnered to empower the local Arizona Tech Community. TEC uses ACSL as its main events hub and community gathering place.

Our partner programming allows us to host in-person and hybrid events that include:

  • A monthly Right to Repair workshop
  • Personal Privacy Improvement & Education Meetup (Privacy PIE)
  • Technology demonstrations and hands-on education
  • Tech community collaborations and projects

Articles and Newsletters

Our articles cover almost all things tech and are written by people who know what they’re talking about. Whether founding members of TEC or guest writers, it’s always informative, useful and relevant.

TEC Blog on Substack: This publication will examine issues in tech and society in a way that (hopefully) leads to more secure and mindful use of technology. We welcome guest writers who include local technologists actively working the field, people who shape tech policy and other thought leaders in the tech space.

TEC Newsletters:

  • AZ Tech Law & Policy will break from the traditional business-centered approach of covering tech and focus more on the tech news that directly impacts all Arizonans. That’s not say we won’t cover tech biz, just that it won’t be our main focus.
  • Good News in Tech will offer a reprieve from the valid concerns about tech’s potential negative impacts on society (which will be covered in our blog). This newsletter serves to remind us of why tech is awesome and how it truly elevates humanity. Subscribe to this newsletter if you want updates on all the cool, awesome, straight-from-sci-fi tech that’s being developed and deployed in real life.

Check out our blog for more TEC articles.

Local Tech Community Events

Currently, we sponsor the Southwest Cyber Security Forum and our own Privacy Meetup. Videos of the meetings are available to members.

Our events include chances to spend time with professional technologists, technology demonstrations, and cool tech micro-communities.

Tech Community Support

We support a select number of local tech meetups by providing a meeting venue if needed and other organizational support. We also give local tech meetups a Discord channel on our TEC server. This provides a virtual place to share documents, plan the next meetup and keep the conversation going. Contact us to learn more.