September TEC Events & News

Love 3D Printing? Join TEC on a Tour of PADT!

Join TEC on an industrial 3D printing facility tour!

TEC is hosting a tour of PADT, an industrial 3D printing facility, on Tuesday, September 24th at 5:30 p.m.

Join us on this free tour and gain an insider's look at industrial 3D printing. We do need advance notice of attendance, so contact us at or message us on our Discord if you're interested.

Listen to the Latest TEC Talks Podcasts

There's two new TEC Talks podcast episodes to listen to this month!

Episode 4: Connor Johnson sat down and talked with us about being a web support specialist for a prestigious medical university.

Episode 5: In this longer podcast national political consultant Sam Stone sits down with TEC CEO Christina Eichelkraut to explore how lawmakers at every level of government create the legislation and policies that govern our everyday tech lives. From Congressmen who can't use smartphones to the impact of disengaged technologists, this episode has it all.

Latest TEC Blogs

Discussing privacy threats with James Bore
This month’s TEC blog is an insightful conversation with James Bore, security expert and author of “The Cyber Circuit.” Check it out here: This is a deep dive exploration that covers: 😱🙀When and why protective privacy practices become futile paranoia 📖How to read cybersecurity news critically
Cord Chaos Solution
Any tech-enthusiasts knows the scene: It’s 10pm, you just got delivered your newest gadget and now you are staring directly at a monster made of cable. The challenge is on: How do you plug in this new gadget, avoid this monster while not getting trapped or even swallowed by it??

Oh 3D printing, is there anything you can't do? See how 3D printed cord cages tames the monster!

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