TEC Went Full Nerd on Industrial 3D Printing at PADT and Loved Every Second of It

TEC got a glimpse at industrial 3D printing with a tour of  Phoenix Analysis and Design Technologies, better known as PADT. The TEC trip (pun 100 percent intended) took place on Tuesday, September 24 at the company's Tempe campus.

TEC Went Full Nerd on Industrial 3D Printing at PADT and Loved Every Second of It
Thanks for the awesome tour, PADT!

TEC got a glimpse at industrial 3D printing with a tour of  Phoenix Analysis and Design Technologies, better known as PADT. The TEC trip (pun 100 percent intended) took place on Tuesday, September 24 at the company's Tempe campus.

PADT has over 90 patents and is an industry leader in simulation, digital manufacturing and product development. The TEC troupe's tour was personally led by PADT principal Eric Miller. He was certainly the right person for the job since his decades of experience in engineering and 3D printing added expertise to the tour that was especially appreciated by the technologists and engineers in our party. We asked questions. Many, many questions.

This was an incredible opportunity to see the invention process in its entirety, literally from ideation to patent to engineering to really freaking cool execution to working prototype.

The best part was being able to expose young people and kids to this awesome tech sector.

Well, that and the Space X helmet prototype was pretty cool, too. And the three-axis 3D printed tourbillon clock. Not to mention the 3D printed metal parts. Or the 3D banana that felt exactly like a banana and was printed using an actual banana in the printer. OK, it was all fascinating and awesome.

We're so thankful for PADT for one of the best TEC trips yet!

Bummed you missed it? No worries! PADT will host its annual Nerdtober Fest and 30th Anniversary celebration on Wednesday, October 23, from 4-7 p.m. Tell them TEC sent you if you go!

Tell TEC What to Tour Next!

Is there some tech or maker space you'd like to see? Yearning to see the inside of a data center? Wondering what a semiconductor fab is actually like? Let TEC know and we'll try to get a tour! The key is achieving a critical mass large enough to make the ask, so don't be shy.

Email contact@techedcollab.org or join the TEC Discord!

Keep Cool Events Like This Free!

This trip was free to attend, but the insurance covering it isn't. We know people prefer donations fund "impact" but the fact is impactful trips, events and workshops require administrative and bureaucratic support, too. So while we get that it may not be as sexy as buying an actual laptop, but we promise you your donation enables us to do all the impactful things we do.

Although we are a volunteer-led nonprofit organization, we still have some bills to pay, too, and oddly our domain host won't accept our offer to trade in-kind services instead of hand over money. So please help us keep our events and information free with a donation of any amount you choose– even $5 helps!