August 2024 TEC Article Club

I Will F*ing Dropkick You If You Use That Spreadsheet

To participate in this discussion, just join the async discussion on the TEC Reads channel on our Discord server.

Discord live virtual Discussion Date: Thursday, August 29, at 6 p.m.

The August 2024 Article

I Will F*ing Dropkick You If You Use That Spreadsheet

In a hilarious blog that's really more of a rant, Nikhil Suresh, director at Hermit Technology, discusses why not to spreadsheets in automated processes. His burning rage and hatred for this practice is well supported on a technical level, and he's pretty funny to boot, so it promises to be an enjoyable read for everyone. And yes, he's been invited on to the podcast, too.

Publication: Ludicity (

Long and Ugly Link:

Date Published: February 28, 2023